
Showing posts from April, 2021


HELLO EVERYONE! My post is about an approach to language teaching; Language Awareness. What Is Language Awareness? Language awareness is making students learn the language themselves by exploring the linguistic structure. They get conscious about their language acquisition. Thus, it enables students to use the language fluently in an authentic context. Students can work on linguistic data while trying to make sense of the language which is called data-driven learning.   What Is Data-Driven Learning? Data-driven learning is examining the language, not from traditional books but linguistic data, students as researchers. In our case, our students work with Corpus. Corpus is a collection of written texts from magazines, books, newspapers in a particular language. My friend Eda and I have prepared a language awareness task for our students while working on the 11th unit of the coursebook. As for Corpus, students will use Skell as it is appropriate for their age and proficiency levers. He


HELLO EVERYONE! Hello to all readers and to the people who visit my blog for the first time!  I am Sümeyye, an English pre-service teacher. It's been a long time since I last posted anything. Welcome back to my blog! The purpose of creating this blog was the Educational Technologies course I took the last term. I shared the tasks I made on my blog about what a teacher needs for being an up-dated and skilled teacher in the 21st century . Such as; infographics podcasts, and so on. In the second semester, I decided to take the Material Design course. Looking at this subject from the teacher's view would help me be a skilled teacher. For this reason, I will dedicate this blog to the Material Design tasks. As I mentioned above, in my new posts, you will find tasks that will help students' language learning by using various technological tools in line with the lacks, necessities, and wants of the students. See you in my next post!