
Showing posts with the label podcast


 HELLO EVERYONE! I am here with a post about podcasting . I will address what it is, the process, and my difficulties. What Is a Podcast? A podcast is an episode series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. (Wikipedia, 2020) In brief: i Pod + broad casting When we could go to school, listening podcast was a beneficial activity to spend time in transportation and learn about various topics for me. But this time, I was the creator ! To grasp the idea, I listened to the examples of the   "60-second idea" podcasts.   After researching the topic, I began to record my speech. It was a delightful process, except that my throat started burning due to the constant re-recording, and it was quite stressful to make it exactly 60 seconds. I recommend using Vocaroo as it is free and effortless. That's how simple  it is! As a pre-service teacher, I will practice podcasting in my classes. Listening to it is beneficial...