Welcome to my blog!

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Safiye Sümeyye Temiz. An ordinary college student from Turkey, trying to improve herself to be an accomplished pre-service teacher. I was born in 2000, and that makes me 20 years old for now.

I enjoy exploring new hobbies and improving myself to be more skilled at each of them. I tried a variety of hobbies in the past few years. For instance, drawing, playing the piano, martial arts, swimming, and so on. I had fun trying all of them and had the pleasure of improving myself. 

At the moment, I am learning to cook. As someone who enjoys traveling, eating local food from different cuisines, trying to make the dishes myself is very entertaining! Also, while pleasing your stomach it is a chance to experience the culture!


Currently, I am a student at Marmara University in English Language Teaching. In this blog, I will post assignments about education and technology that are given in the educational technology course.

I hope it will be beneficial for both you, readers, and me.

Thank you for reading my blog!
