HELLO EVERYONE! My post is about posters , the design process, and their use as an educational tool. What Is a Poster? A poster is a large printed picture or notice put up for advertising or decoration. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020). The Task Our assignment for this week was to design a poster. The options were creating a movie poster based on a book, and designing a magazine cover. I used the tool Postermywall for my magazine cover which has various templates for posters, banners, etc. First of all, I decided on my topic as minimalism and included four different points on the cover using an appropriate font. D etails such as the date of the issue, logo, and barcode were included in the cover, just like a real one. Here is my poster! Avenoir's audience is adults who are interested in minimalism in areas such as fashion, architecture, and lifestyle. How Can it Be Used in a Langu...