My post is about posters, the design process, and their use as an educational tool.

What Is a Poster?
A poster is a large printed picture or notice put up for advertising or decoration.  (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020).

The Task
Our assignment for this week was to design a poster. The options were creating a movie poster based on a book, and designing a magazine cover. 

I used the tool Postermywall for my magazine cover which has various templates for posters, banners, etc.

First of all, I decided on my topic as minimalism and included four different points on the cover using an appropriate font. Details such as the date of the issue, logo, and barcode were included in the cover, just like a real one. 

Here is my poster!

Avenoir's audience is adults who are interested in minimalism in areas such as fashion, architecture, and lifestyle.

How Can it Be Used in a Language Classroom?

Posters are very profitable tools for language teaching. It can be used as a notice summarizing the content students learned, or for creating peripheral learning. It is also a beneficial tool for digital native students to boost their creativity.

What kind of activities teachers can create using posters?

See you in my next post! 
